Is Free Website Hosting Any Good?

Many website hosting companies are springing up that offer free website hosting. They may seem appealing, after all who doesn't want something of value for free! The truth however is that many of these services don't give you a free lunch.

* Free On The Cover - Not Free Within - The Terms
There are a lot of places that offer free, a trial or discount website hosting. When you find them, the biggest and most important aspect is to carefully look at the terms. Some of these places even offer free domains.

The offers may seem enticing, and the word free does make a lot of people interested. Most of the time these free website hosting services and packages will offer you limited service and extra charges may also be a part of the picture.

Always research when you see a company offer free website hosting. Look for existing websites hosted on those free services, and look at what they look like. Try to look at several websites, and consider if that is what you want.

* What Is Free?
Most of the time, these free web hosts will give you some space, and even a free domain; however there is more to it. Most of the companies that give free domains will give you the domain to use, but will keep the domains rights. Another tactic is that they will give the first year free, and subsequent years you have to pay a higher charge.

Though the free option can benefit you if you simply want to put up a hobby website that you will work on occasionally, it is generally no good as a long term big project. Again, going through the terms will give you an indication whether anything is an extra fee.

* Do They Offer Anything Of Value To You?
The problem with these free web hosts is that they may not provide all your needs, at least with the technical aspect. What's more, they may also put adverts, and have hidden charges. For a business looking to make a web presence, the free options generally are not the best way to go.

When looking at your needs, it comes down to 2 aspects - the technical and the personal. They are both important, and will provide you with the answers, whether a free website hosting package meets your needs.

You may have found the best free website hosting package or service, but it is no good unless they have what you really need. The first point is to consider your needs. Do you need MySql databases? Do you need PHP and or CGI?

Again, this boils down to your needs. First consider how valuable your website is. A business may not find free website hosting services as any good, but for smaller sites, they generally offer an easy way to create a web site and get it online. This alone makes free website hosting a valuable thing, as you don't need to hire a web designer.